Rare Brazillian Lambretta 3-wheeler?

Surfing the interweb recently, looking for something else, we came across this odd-looking scooter, as you do...  We've written about Brazilian Lambrettas before here and here, and they've thrown us a few swerve balls, by which we mean a few unusual things for those of us used to riding Italian, Spanish and Indian built models. … Continue reading Rare Brazillian Lambretta 3-wheeler?

Milan: home of the Lambretta factory

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Milano though, a pilgrimage to the old Innocenti factory is a must! Located in the Lambrate region of the city, a monument to the Lambretta was recently installed on a roundabout nearby, Casa Lambretta supplied the necessary scooter (we reported on its unveiling last year). … Continue reading Milan: home of the Lambretta factory

Lambrettas in Colombia – The Auteco Factory

We've published an image of the Colombian Lambretta factory before which was an image of Indian SIL Lambrettas being assembled in South America, taken some time during the 1970s by the looks of it. However the company behind it, Auteco, are still going and in 2011 celebrated their 70th anniversary, which revealed some interesting photos... … Continue reading Lambrettas in Colombia – The Auteco Factory

Lambretta Concessionaires Warehouse 1960

Have you ever seen photographs of the Lambretta Concessionaires Warehouse in London and wondered how they got the scooters to the upper floors? Well this photo may well satisfy your curiosity... Taken in November 1960 at Lambretta Concessionaires warehouse in south London, this photograph shows the Series 2 models arriving via an escalator type conveyor-belt … Continue reading Lambretta Concessionaires Warehouse 1960

Lambretta Factory – Eibar, Spain

I can't remember where i found this photograph so apologies to whomever first uploaded it (let me know and I'll give you the credit, it's well deserved!). Anyway, I fell in love with this image straight away, of a chap working the metal presses in what must have been a very hot and noisy job. … Continue reading Lambretta Factory – Eibar, Spain