ScooterNova 26 ready to go

Edition 26, July/August 2021, is now at the printers and available to pre-order today! Jam packed full of scooters of all shapes and sizes! With reports from scooter-riding get togethers... ...including the selection of riders photos from our own Three Shires Ride. Read the final chapter of Dean Orton's Guide to Rustoration, full of priceless … Continue reading ScooterNova 26 ready to go

Eager to Ride!

Readers of ScooterNova magazine will no doubt have seen in the latest edition details of our Three Shires Ride event. The reason you've not seen it on the blog here is that within days of edition 25 being published it sold out! So in true Bullseye "Here's what you could have won" style, this is … Continue reading Eager to Ride!