Whitby Scooter Rally – stickers and subscriptions!

There have been plenty of mutterings of late regarding how long the recent winter has lasted, but fear not dear reader for Easter is almost upon us! It was last Easter at Scarborough that we launched ScooterNova magazine, to much acclaim among the scooterists visiting the Yorkshire seaside resort that weekend and indeed thereafter. One year … Continue reading Whitby Scooter Rally – stickers and subscriptions!

The new ScooterNova magazine has landed*

While snow is falling around western Europe possibly in amounts only our Scandinavian readers are prepared for, brave postal delivery people are making sure that the sound of the new ScooterNova magazine falling onto door mats across the nation cheers people up in these cold months! Edition 6 is published this week, and as always … Continue reading The new ScooterNova magazine has landed*