ScooterNova Riding Event 2021

While the scooter scene has always been multi-faceted, the one thing that unites us all are the scooters. And that was one of the major factors in launching ScooterNova magazine back in 2017, to create a quality publication about scooters and their riders. We’ve often thought about a ScooterNova riding event too, but as we usually spend most weekends of the year riding to other people’s events, we’ve had no time to organise our own, let alone find space on the calendar. So far…

Things have changed over the last 12 months however. The global pandemic has meant that our regular social events have been cancelled. Here at ScooterNova we’ve continued to ride as often and as far as possible. One benefit of being restricted as to where we can go means we’ve spent more time than ever exploring some great new riding roads and finding towns and villages we’ve not visited before.

As a result we have the bones of a riding event; one that could potentially go ahead if Covid-related restrictions were lifted even slightly. After all, riding alone on your scooter wearing a crash helmet and keeping safe distance from other road users is a form of social distancing we’ve all been doing for years. As riding events go, we hope to add something to make this one a little different from other recent events. As for location, fairly central in the Midlands is what we’re looking at.

Before announcing any date or further details, we’ll be waiting for the next big statement from the powers-that-be about the state of the nation. Then we will see what the BSRA are able to do as well as the national owners’ clubs too because, whatever we may or may not do, as ScooterNova magazine it won’t be clashing with a national rally or anything similar.

So basically, if the scooter rallies are allowed back on then we’ll be packing our scooters and riding off to them as we always do every year. But if restrictions continue to prevent rallies as we know and love them, but which could allow a new riding event to take place, then watch this space.

If nothing else, hopefully this will give a glimmer of hope for those looking for a light at the end of this awful tunnel we’re currently all stuck in.

There’s no more to add just yet, but if you’d like to register an interest feel free to email and we’ll add you to our mailing list. Until then, we’ll all be waiting with fingers crossed for some good news soon. Take care and stay safe people.

ScooterNova magazine – The rider’s choice


**ScooterNova is an independent scooter magazine published and printed in the UK every two months, by scooterists for scooterists. Edition 23 (Jan/Feb 2021) is available now from all good scooter shops, you can also subscribe or buy online via our web shop. For details visit