Vespa BSG 51hp 305 engines now for sale!

Something that's been eagerly awaited by many is the arrival of the new CNC machined billet engines from BSG in Italy. Well, the good news is that first of these are now available and being built to order. We first brought you news of this project here when the 305 was announced in 2014 and … Continue reading Vespa BSG 51hp 305 engines now for sale!

Reasonably priced classics? 

It's been suggested that the price of classic Lambretta and Vespa scooters lately has spiralled out of reach of many.  However while some on eBay are asking fortunes (which we doubt they're receiving) and nameless businesses located half a world away are all to keen to take your money, we reckon a look locally could … Continue reading Reasonably priced classics? 

Lambretta & Vespa billet engines, and 305cc kit with 51hp!

Yes the rumours are true – and if you attended the Bridlington Trade & Custom Scooter Show in the UK on 25 October 2014 you'd have seen all this for yourself! That is of course if you could get close enough to the Rimini Lambretta Centre stall at the show, which always seemed to be … Continue reading Lambretta & Vespa billet engines, and 305cc kit with 51hp!