Isle of Wight scooter rally 2017

I think it is to fair to say that from a personal point of view, this year’s Isle of Wight scooter rally was one of my favourites. It’s over 30 years since I first rode over there for a scooter rally and aside from the great weather, the journey, the laughs, the scooters, the fun and so much more went together perfectly to make  this one a real stand out event.

At the invitation of fellow scooter riders and event organisers, VFM, ScooterNova magazine proudly sponsored the official scooter rally in various ways, including the event programme, stickers and postcards for the goodie bag (the leftovers of which proved very popular on our stall), as well as the ‘Best of Show’ trophy in the custom show. We’re also proud to say that two ScooterNova magazine feature scooters – Dazzle 3 and Discworld – wowed the judges so much that they took home a number of trophies between them – congratulations! (Dazzle was featured in edition one, Discworld in edition three).

To celebrate the launch of the third edition of ScooterNova magazine we had over 6 litres of Limoncello brought over from Italy for the celebrations on Saturday (thank you to our friends at Rimini Lambretta Centre and Team SRP). This went down a treat with readers as well as fellow traders and rally-organisers!
We also came up with the idea of getting a seaside postcard style ‘head shot’ photograph board produced for the event, to allow everyone to ride a ScooterNova machine, which went down a storm over the bank holiday weekend. So, as promised, in our gallery below you will find the photos we took of those taking part. We apologise for missing out anyone who stopped to poke their head through ‘our hole’ but the stall was so busy throughout the weekend that we didn’t have time to photograph you all. Do feel free to share both these and your own photographs however, both with ours and on your own social media sites, and please remember to add #scooternova – thank you!

We’ve already thanked those who helped on the ScooterNova magazine stall via our Facebook page, including those fellow traders who helped take both the stall and magazines to the island so we were able to ride our scooters as always. We very much appreciate it and know we are fortunate within the scooter scene to have become part of such a large and generous group of scooter-riding friends over the decades that help each other out whenever we can. Such friendships are why so many scooterists still enjoy the Isle of Wight rally, an event that attracts scooterists on an international level with machines from rusty originals to finely engineered creations, customised masterpieces to restored rarities and more, all there for the same reason – our love of scooters. That and the amount of fun and laughter that went on during the weekend. Our ribs are still tickled, our sides close to splitting, the grins on our faces remain broad, and the ride home in the sun yesterday was the icing on the cake.
We hope you all enjoyed the rally as well, and we’ll see you on the next one. Cheers!

(edition 3 of ScooterNova magazine was published on the 25 August 2017 and is available from all good scooter shops, or mail-order either indiviudally or as part of a subscription.
For more information click here.

Click on image to see Custom Show results at full size.


6 thoughts on “Isle of Wight scooter rally 2017

  1. I didn’t do the IOW rally this year nor did any of my club members, having done it for over 17 yrs on the trot and missing an handful after that time I feel it’s a bit same old rally,plus we fancy a different rally and Spain Lambretta euro is booked ,well the ferry is ,tickets in January hopefully. ,I can see by photos of campsites numbers seem down and a few of my moddy friends now go to Brighton and that looked full,also impacting on iow attendance ,I will go again in the future but need a change ,smaller different rallys just to get that sparkle back and look forward to new adventures.

  2. For me it was the other way around Paul – I haven’t done IoW for over 10 years at least. I was so pleased I went this year, in addition to the fantastic weather this was one of the friendliest and funny August bank holiday rallies I’ve been to. We are so lucky to have the large choice of events that currently are on offer. Enjoy your new adventures.

    1. To say I was gutted not to go is a understatement, the weather was great and the ride down would of been fine it’s always the case when you decide not to go and work instead and then you look on social media and everyone is having a great time but 17 yrs on the trot was enough and I and my club need something different, so roll on next year maybe iow will be one of them.

  3. The IoW has definitely changed over the 20 years since I started attending back in the mid ’90s and the emergence/growth of the Brighton event has certainly played its part. Brighton is a self-styled mod weekend whilst the IoW remains a scooter rally so the 2 events are different by design. The beauty of the IoW is the size and geography of the island, making it a stunning place to ride your scooter on a sunny day where you can chose to either join in with the masses or do your own thing in a more discreet way. Personally we tend to chose the latter, basing ourselves on the east and south of the island where we were blessed this year with the best 2 days of weather I can remember. We managed to create our own “rally within a rally” feel with members of the Awfully Pleasant taking in the roads and sites away from Ryde whilst dipping into Seaview, Sandown and Ventnor over the weekend. 10/10 from me this year.

  4. I had a great time when I first rode over to the IOW as a 17 year old in 1982 and still having fun now. Fun is what you make it !! I don’t expect a promoter to entertain me. I rode down from London with both my sons on our GP’s, we had a good ride along the military road and top weekend, see you next year !!

  5. This years IOW Rally was brilliant for myself and my friends. The fantastic weather had a lot to do with this, who wouldn’t want to ride round this stunning Island when you have temperatures more akin to the Mediterranean summer climate?

    The thing is that whatever your bag, you can find something to suit your requirements. The last two years we have stayed back in Ryde in the Esplinade Hotel, yes it’s a bit pricey, but they look after you and it’s central location means a lively weekend is right on your doorstep, literally!
    There were plenty of great scooters to gawp at, parked in and around Ryde. Pub prices seemed fair this year, we had a great meal in Michaelangelos, the Italian at the bottom of Union St again, which has now become a must visit each year. We had tickets to the Balcony Bar on Saturday night, personally I thought both bands were spot on.
    The overall atmosphere was one of everyone on holiday, but also I can see why those that camped at the official site would have been disappointed. It must of been roasting as soon as the sun came up under canvass, sleeping in that heat, must of been very difficult indeed.
    Another massive plus is the improvement in the road surfaces around the Island. Like many I’ve been going for a very very long time, the roads are in the best condition I have ever experienced during that time.
    If you could book the same weather every year, I’d pay extra as well, it does make the overall experience that extra bit special. Will be back again next year for sure, maybe on a Pre 1966 machine again to ride out with those Awfully Pleasant guys, it didn’t feel right to join in on a 1970 Rally 180….????

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